Throughout the vegetative cycle, we have several works in the vineyard: from pruning (removal of buds at the vine) and de-budding (removal of secondary and tertiary buds) to leaf removal and green harvesting, in order to bring the healthiest and ripest grapes to our cellars. The date of the manual harvest is determined plot by plot according to the grape variety, the terroir and the exposure. It is common to harvest the same plot in several passages.


After a double manual sorting completed by a sorting machine (Wine Selective Process) the grapes are destemmed, crushed and cooled before landing by gravity in thermo-controlled vats. The vinification happens in small vats, separated by grape variety and by plot allowing us to control the quality of each plot separately and by more precise in our interventions. During cold pre-fermentation and maceration, the pumping over takes place to help extract the colour and delicate aromas of the fruit from the grape skins. Alcoholic fermentation then begins and oxygen is brought in the vats for the development of the yeasts. Oxygen will also boost the release of colour and tannins contained in the grape skins so as to gain a better stabilisation of the colour by the released tannins. Malolactic fermentation is generally carried out on the grape pulp and the wine is run off a few days afterwards. The pressing of the grape pulp is done independently.


The wine is aged in 100% new oak barrels from central France. The oak is rigorously selected by our coopers and the level of toasting of the barrels is refined according to our request. Until the end of the summer following the harvest, the wines spend their first year in the semi-underground cellar equipped with OXOline2® rotating system allowing each barrel to be treated individually both in vinification and maturing. Here, the wine continues its ageing process in perfect conditions thanks to an appropriate air conditioning system, which eliminates any temperature difference and allows the wine to develop in a proper way. On the other hand, a high-tech hygrometry system enables us to limit the wine evaporation in the barrels. Same conditions are kept in the second year cellar. In total, the wine will benefit from its contact with the noble oak during 18 to 24 months.

Merci de patienter